
Catalogue Help

Claudio Santoro

The first 13 sections of this Catalog separate the majority of Claudio Santoro's works exclusively according to their vocal and/or instrumental formations; sections 14 to 20 consider the specific functions of the other works. The first column is reserved for a code that uniquely indicates each work. The code is composed of two elements, separated by a dot: the first element, on the left, informs the section number of the Catalog where the work is inserted; the second informs the order number of the work in that section

In cases of cycles of works gathered under a general title, the code is immediately followed by parentheses containing number(s) that inform:

  • either the quantity of works that the cycle contains. The code 1.15 (1-7) informs that the work whose general title is coded in 1.15 is a cycle that includes seven subtitles of works, which are generally considered independent. In this case, the two numbers indicating the quantity of works in the parentheses are separated by a hyphen (-);
  • or one of the works included in the general title. The code 1.15 (3) refers unequivocally to the third work of the cycle coded as 1.15 (1-7);
  • or two or more works of a cycle. The code 1.15 (3/5-7) refers to four of the seven works of the cycle coded as 1.15 (1-7), namely: the third, fifth, sixth, and seventh work. In this case, the separation by a slash (/) indicates this and that work; the separation by a hyphen (-) indicates from the previous work to the posterior work.

The codes also serve as cross-references from one work to another within the Catalog, regardless of the sections in which they are coded.

The second column provides several groups of information; each of these groups appears on a different line in the following order:
  • title (and eventually, subtitles);
  • text;
  • dedicated to;
  • first performance;
  • transcription (abbreviated trsc.), when the work has a transcription made by the composer himself. The transcribed work is indicated by its code;
  • comments (abbreviation: obs.)
  • publisher;
  • original (abbreviation orig.), when the work is a transcription, made by the composer, of work of his authorship. The original work is indicated by its code;

When there is no information regarding one of these groups, the abbreviation that indicates it does not appear in the second column. Thus, the absence of the abbreviation "trsc." indicates that the composer did not make any transcription of the work.
The third, fourth and fifth columns are dedicated to specific information.

General list of abbreviations:
trsc. - transcription
obs: - comments
MS - manuscript


The Catalog divides Claudio Santoro's works into 20 sections, with the first 13 sections based on vocal and/or instrumental formations, and sections 14 to 20 considering the specific functions of other works.
Each work is identified by a code composed of two elements separated by a dot: the first element indicates the section of the catalog, and the second element indicates the order of the work within that section.
For cycles of works with a general title, the code is followed by numbers in parentheses indicating the quantity of works in the cycle or specifying a specific work.
The codes are also used to reference works within the Catalog, regardless of the sections in which they are coded.
The second column of the Catalog provides information about the title, text, dedication, premiere, transcription (if applicable), observations, editor, and whether the work is a transcription of another composition by the composer.
The remaining columns provide additional specific information.